Discover Jesus \ Topic \Angels – the Daughters of God

Angels – the Daughters of God 

Angels aid humans in various ways, working alongside other spirits, and can comprehend human emotions. Seraphim, Cherubim, Sanobim, Archangels, and Guardian angels all play key roles.

Angels – the Daughters of God
  • Summary

    While human beings who are of direct descent from God the Father are referred to as the sons of God, angels – the children of the Holy Spirit – are referred to as the Daughters of God. Angels are commonly designated as feminine. They are a separate order of spirit beings who minister to human beings in different ways but mainly through cooperation with other high spirit influences, like the spirit of God that lives within every mortal. The angels have only a spiritual kinship with human beings.

    There are seven orders of angels who serve in the universe of universes. In our local universe, just three types of angels serve us: Seraphim, Cherubim, and Sanobim. These ministering spiritual beings are assigned to the service of human beings. In addition, the seraphic angels are organized to assist in the planetary supervision right here on earth for our benefit.

    Archangels are high spirit beings created by the Creator Son and the Universe Mother Spirit. They play a vital role in the survival and advancement of mortal creatures. In addition, guardian angels exist for many individuals, and while they don't have literal wings, they can transport spiritual beings between worlds at high speeds.

    Even though angels do not have material bodies, they are distinct beings. And even though we cannot see them, they perceive us as we are. They understand how mortals live and they understand and even share some of our emotions. Angels also enjoy the art, music, and humor of the human races. They are fully aware of our struggles with morality and our difficulties with spiritual growth. Truly, angels love us, and only good can come when we make the effort to understand and love them in return.

  • Seraphim, Cherubim, and Sanobim

    Seraphim are the angelic “standard.” They are uniform in design and have their origin in the Mother Spirit. They have ministered on earth since the earliest times of human intelligence. Cherubim and sanobim are similar to seraphim but they are the lowest order of angels, therefore, they are closer to human beings on evolutionary worlds like ours. Cherubim and sanobim are the faithful and efficient aids of the seraphic ministers, They are wonderfully intelligent, marvelously efficient, touchingly affectionate, and almost human.

    Although the angels we see on our earthly images are almost always feminine, angels are more appropriately designated positive and negative and it usually takes two seraphim to accomplish most tasks. But even though they are not identified by gender they are exceedingly personal and truly affectionate.

    All angels have distinct personalities and they are very individual. They have highly social natures and they are able to get along with each other much better than human beings get along with each other. They enjoy seasons of play, rest, and change, and they are created immortal. They never die.

  • Angelic Powers

    Angels are not that far removed from human beings, but they possess certain powers that are beyond our understanding. We’ve all heard the expression: “the very hairs of your head are numbered,” and in fact, they are. But angels do not spend their time actually counting them. Angels are something like mathematical prodigies, and they just automatically know such things. They find it easy to perform tasks that, to us, would take tremendous effort.

    While angels are superior to humans spiritually, they never judge or accuse human beings. We can take direction for our own lives from them by refraining from judgment on each other. Just as we love each other, we do well to love the angels, too. They are not objects of worship, but “fellow servants” who worship only God.

  • Where Do Angels Come From?

    Angels do not originate on our planet. They are created by the Universe Mother Spirit – the feminine aspect of God. This process of creation has been ongoing ever since our universe was in the planning stages. And angels are still being created as our universe is still in the making. The Universe Mother Spirit never ceases her creative activity in a growing and perfecting universe. And it is to her we owe our thanks for the ministry of angels.

    The headquarters worlds of the angels are among the magnificent realms of our universe; the seraphic domains are characterized by both beauty and vastness. In these worlds, each seraphim has a real home, and "home" means the domicile of two seraphim; they live in pairs.

    Once they are commissioned, they may roam the entire universe on assignment. Their work in the universe is without bounds and without limitations.

  • Why Have Angels Been Sent to Help Us?

    Because God is an infinite being, it is difficult for us to communicate with him directly – the gap in our realities is too great. But God does desire that he have contact and communication with his created children. So he bridges the gap with four types of ministers.

    Angels are part of that unbroken chain of spirit ministers which has been provided by God for the help and guidance of all who seek to attain the Universal Father. This chain of ministers includes the indwelling spark of God within (the Thought Adjuster), Jesus’ Spirit of Truth, and the ministry of the Mother Spirit (the Holy Spirit); finally, angels complete the spiritual bridge between us and our Maker.

  • How Do Angels Relate to Human Beings?

    On the spiritual level, seraphim make personal many otherwise impersonal and prepersonal ministries of the universe, such as the prepersonal Thought Adjuster; they are co-ordinators. On the intellectual level they are the correlators of mind; they are interpreters. And on the physical level they can manipulate the terrestrial environment, although this is very rare. (Lazarus, the life-long friend of Jesus, had been dead for four days when Jesus brought him back to life with the help of the angels under his command. This is an example of the angels’ ability to manipulate matter.)

    Angels guide human personalities into paths of new and progressive experiences. When you accept their guidance in your life you can be sure of the chance “to traverse the rugged hills of moral choosing and spiritual progress.” But it is always our choice to accept such guidance. Angels never interfere with our free will.

    Angels are very near to us and they care for us deeply. They feel sorrow when they see us being intolerant or stubborn in our lives. They don’t shed tears and they don’t have physical bodies, but they have emotions and sentiments that are not unlike our own. They care when we resist goodness, just as we would care for a brother or sister who’s on the wrong path.

    The angels develop a great affection for their human associates; and you would, if you could only visualize the seraphim, develop a warm affection for them. If we had only spirit forms instead of material bodies, we would be very near the angels in many attributes of personality. They share most of our emotions and experience some additional ones. The only emotion of ours that is somewhat difficult for them to comprehend is fear – the kind of fear that looms so large in the mental life of the average inhabitant of earth. The angels really find it hard to understand why we persistently allow our intellectual powers, even our religious faith, to be so dominated by fear, so demoralized by dread and anxiety.

    At the end of our lives, angels are involved in the process whereby our immortal soul is taken to heaven. The guardian seraphim is the custodial trustee of the survival values of mortal man's sleeping soul.

  • Guardian Angels

    The teaching about guardian angels is not a myth; many, if not most, human beings do actually have personal angels. It was in recognition of this that Jesus, in speaking of the children of the heavenly kingdom, said: "Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones, for I say to you, their angels do always behold the presence of the spirit of my Father."

    The guardian of destiny influences you in every possible manner consistent with the dignity of your personality; under no circumstances do these angels interfere with the free action of the human will.

    In the life of the flesh, the intelligence of angels is not directly available to mortal men. They are not overlords or directors; they are simply guardians. The seraphim guard you; they do not seek directly to influence you; you must chart your own course, but these angels then act to make the best possible use of the course you have chosen.

  • Do Angels Really Have Wings? How Fast Can They Fly?

    It’s a beautiful idea, and it makes sense to think that angels must have wings in order to fly through the air and around outer space, but the truth is much more intriguing.

    There have been times when human beings have been permitted to see seraphim when they are getting ready for take-off from earth. And the people who have had these experiences can be forgiven for thinking that what they were seeing were literal wings – like those we see depicted in angel pictures. What they really saw are energy insulators – friction shields. Each seraphim has a double set of these shields – “wings” – that extend from the head to the foot of the angel.

    These special attributes of the seraphim allow them to actually transport beings from one world to another by enfolding a being within their shields when such a service is required. But only spiritual beings can be transported this way. In our next life, we will experience such transport because we will have adopted our new forms as spirit beings.

    The worlds teem with angels and other highly personal beings, but they are handicapped by time and space. The limit of velocity for most beings is 186,280 miles per second – the speed of light. But the seraphim can traverse space at triple velocity, about 558,840 miles per second.

  • Seraphic Planetary Supervision on Our World

    Ever since the day of Pentecost, and the pouring out of the Spirit of Truth, there has been a large division of master seraphim residing on earth. These seraphim of planetary supervision are divided into twelve corps, each corps responsible for one aspect of planetary life. They are:

    • The Epochal Angels
    • The Progress Angels
    • The Religious Guardians
    • The Angels of Nation Life
    • The Angels of the Races
    • The Angels of the Future
    • The Angels of Enlightenment
    • The Angels of Health
    • The Home Seraphim
    • The Angels of Industry
    • The Angels of Diversion
    • The Angels of Superhuman Ministry

    These angelic groups cannot control the areas of their domain, but they can favorably affect planetary conditions so that their respective domains are positively influenced.

    These master seraphim act as clearinghouses for ideas, and they promote positive projects. They can intensify higher ideals that have appeared in human intellect.

    It is comforting to know that there is a very definite and effective superhuman supervision of world affairs and human destinies that is right here on our world. Even though we grapple with sin and darkness, we have never been forgotten. We are known and loved and provided with divine watchcare. The ministry of angels to human beings is one such evidence of that love and watchcare. And the seraphic planetary supervision is additional evidence that the Father himself loves us.

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