Discover Jesus \ Topic \How is Jesus Relevant Today?

How is Jesus Relevant Today? 

To evaluate, it’s important to know who Jesus was, what he did, and what happened to his teachings after he left earth. His life and teachings are an inspiration for any age and are vitally relevant for our modern world.

How is Jesus Relevant Today?
  • Summary

    In order to know how Jesus is relevant today, we need to know Jesus: who he was, what he did here, and what happened to his teachings after he left earth. The story of Jesus and the religious life he led is the most important knowledge that we can have. His true life is an inspiration for any age.

    The teachings of Jesus are vital in evaluating his relevance for our modern world. Unfortunately, those original teachings are largely absent from our religious records and the religion that bears his name. The Urantia Book provides greater detail of his purpose, his life, and his teachings on earth. It provides an uncompromised and undistorted view of his teachings and clarifies and expands on the writings of his early followers that emerged in the era following Jesus’ death.

    But how do people discover these original teachings of Jesus? How can an average person with an interest in Jesus find him in a world of secularism, materialism, and religious hypocrisy? Today, we find ourselves at something of a crossroads: we live in a civilization that is growing more advanced daily, but more than ever, we need to stabilize our culture so that it does not grow out of hand in the material sense. We need to balance and temper our material growth with solid, spiritual values.

    Personal religious experience is the best way to achieve that goal. Personal religious experience inspires faith, trust, and assurance of our place in the universe. It is a soul experience, separate from the relative values that can be found only by the mind, or the religions of the mind. Jesus exemplified for us the religion of personal experience.

    And Jesus is still present with us. When he left the world, he provided us with a replacement for himself – the Spirit of Truth – that still lives in the hearts of all those who seek him. This spirit, if embraced, can inform the individual with a new and reliable interpretation of truth for the living of a free, spontaneous, and joyful life, even in a troubled and indifferent world.

  • Who Was Jesus?

    Jesus of Nazareth is arguably the most famous person in history. He lived a fairly short life and, even so, he is known the world over. When Jesus incarnated on earth in 7 BCE, his primary mission to the world was to reveal God to mankind through the life that he lived. And he did this magnificently.

    Jesus was, and still is, the Son of God incarnate in a human being; the Creator of the universe housed in a human form. No other holy man or spiritual leader can make this claim and no other religious figure in history has ever done the things that Jesus did. He raised the dead, healed the sick, and fed the multitudes. He established an "invisible brotherhood" that consists of those who choose to live in the spiritual kingdom of heaven. He established a religion that is timeless and, along with his band of apostles, managed to turn the whole Roman empire upside down. And today, his influence is still felt worldwide.

    He was a common man, a true human, and a man among men. He led no armies into battle, and yet he is revered as the most influential person ever to walk the earth. His legacy has informed human civilization for over 2,000 years. Wars have been fought over him, and kings have come and gone because of their belief – or disbelief – in him.

    "On both friends and foes he exercised a strong and peculiarly fascinating influence. Multitudes would follow him for weeks, just to hear his gracious words and behold his simple life. Devoted men and women loved Jesus with a well-nigh superhuman affection. And the better they knew him the more they loved him. And all this is still true; even today and in all future ages, the more man comes to know this God-man, the more he will love and follow after him."

    Jesus remains a positive moral role model for all men, women, and children. He loved people, he served people, and he forgave people – even his enemies. He was a champion and defender of women, which was revolutionary in his day. He taught that our highest aspirations can be found in practicing the Golden Rule, whereby we treat every other person as we would like to be treated. This teaching places relations with others on a high and idealistic plane, especially when upstepped to Jesus’ unique version of this timeless rule, which he called "The Rule of Living." The Rule of Living teaches us to treat every other person, not only as we want to be treated, but as Jesus would treat them.

    Jesus established a spiritual practice that remains relevant today in our search for truth, beauty, and goodness. He lived and taught the religion of personal spiritual experience. And we can, where we are and as we are, practice the same religion in our lives. We can aspire to live spiritual lives of originality and freedom. We can choose, by faith, to follow the will of God. And we can begin to develop the fruits of the spirit: the natural outcome of our desire to love God and serve our fellows.

  • Christianity, the Church that Bears His Name

    Had Jesus’ original teachings and a more accurate portrayal of his life been carried into the ensuing ages by his followers, we would have no cause to wonder if he is relevant today. However, those teachings quickly became contaminated, watered-down, and in some cases, completely lost. This was not a deliberate attempt to undermine the Master's matchless and simple tenets. However, when Jesus resurrected in glory from the dead on Easter morning, and after he had appeared in bodily form to nearly one thousand of his followers, this reality quickly overshadowed his teachings regarding the gospel of the kingdom.

    The religion that developed in subsequent centuries had, at its center, the risen Christ and evolved into a religion primarily about Jesus. The religion of Jesus, the religion that he himself followed and taught, became submerged. Likewise, Jesus’ teaching regarding the kingdom of heaven became altered. It was no longer a dynamic reality that could be accessed by faith in the present moment, but was taught as a future estate that would be realized when Jesus returns to earth.

    Nevertheless, some valuable remnants of his teachings survived. Within one hundred years of his death, a church bearing his name was established and a record was made of what was known and remembered about his life in the form of the New Testament. As a result of centuries of evolutionary growth and change, there are now more than 45,000 denominations of Christianity across the globe and thousands of different versions of the New Testament.

    The teachings across Christian denominations vary widely. For example, some denominations teach of Jesus as Savior. Some emphasize the importance of faith and of worshiping God alone. Some teach the importance of loving and serving one another. Some emphasize social justice, care for the poor, and environmental stewardship of the earth.

    Some Chrisitian denominations teach strict adherence to the Bible, and its inerrancy. Some rely on the intercession of priests and other intermediaries who presume to stand between God and his children. Some use Jesus as a sword, teaching that if one does not accept him as their Lord and Savior, that they are doomed to damnation.

    Many of these teachings are man-made doctrines and are in contrast to the progressive nature of the teachings of the Master:

    "The teaching of Jesus is a religion for everybody. His religion never became crystallized (during his day) into creeds and theological laws; he left not a line of writing behind him. His life and teachings were handed to the universe as an inspirational and idealistic inheritance suitable for the spiritual guidance and moral instruction of all ages on all worlds. And even today, Jesus’ teaching stands apart from all religions, as such, albeit it is the living hope of every one of them."

    What could be more important to the world as we find it today? How changed would the world be if all of man/womankind believed and understood that they are beloved children of God? How different would our families, our neighborhoods, our communities, our cities, and our nations be if we courageously loved one another and served each other as beloved brothers and sisters? How different would our churches be if they put aside all doctrinal and creedal requirements and were revitalized by the true teachings of Jesus?

    What an awakening the world could experience if it could only know these life-giving teachings of Jesus. Even Christianity – arguably the best of our present-day religions – is in the end, a religion about Jesus, and one that its adherents experience only second-hand because it requires only a belief that has been handed down. We can contemplate the beauty of Jesus and his life, but actually knowing and living the truths that he taught provides real satisfaction for the soul. Any religion – even Christianity – can be enjoyed more fully if one embodies the religion of Jesus, separate from doctrinal belief.

    Christianity is still a mighty religion. It is the product of centuries of development through the efforts of God-knowing men and women, and it has been a great force for good in spite of its inherent or acquired failings. One of those failings centers around the persistent fear of God and his wrath – that somehow fearing God is synonymous with respecting him and loving him. But fear implies danger and risk. Fear repels, rather than attracts. Jesus clarified:

    "Your forebears feared God because he was mighty and mysterious. You shall adore him because he is magnificent in love, plenteous in mercy, and glorious in truth. I have come into the world to put love in the place of fear, joy in the place of sorrow, confidence in the place of dread, loving service and appreciative worship in the place of slavish bondage and meaningless ceremonies."

    Jesus’ religion is motivated by the love and trust of a benevolent heavenly Father that can be experienced personally. This love comes from God and fills our hearts to overflowing, so that we feel compelled to share it with others. Jesus’ religion holds the love and service of mankind second only to his progressive concept of a personal God. Creedal or doctrinal belief can never compensate for this personally-knowable relationship of God and his child. No ceremonial traditions can make up for a lack of compassion for one’s brothers and sisters of the spirit.

  • "Jesus outside a temple (2)" - by and Gary Tonge"Jesus outside a temple (2)" - by and Gary Tonge
  • The Challenge of Materialism and Indifference

    In our modern world, we are rushing headlong into an ever-more-complex society. Modern men and women, especially in the industrialized world, value material success largely to the exclusion of spiritual growth. The modern world increasingly views Jesus as simply a great teacher, but a teacher who is not relevant to the modern age. Some even question his existence at all.

    "The modern age will refuse to accept a religion which is inconsistent with facts and out of harmony with its highest conceptions of truth, beauty, and goodness. The hour is striking for a rediscovery of the true and original foundations of present-day distorted and compromised Christianity—the real life and teachings of Jesus."

    True science is never in conflict with real religion, but the scientific advancements that we see everyday threaten to overshadow the power of traditional religion. In our modern world, religion has become largely dominated by ceremony or ritual, not personal participation with higher realities, while science shines as almost a religion in itself. Amazing scientific discoveries and revelations can appear more relevant and germane to modern living than timeworn Bible stories and dogmatized religious belief. Such popular materialism, increasingly denies God, while secularism just ignores him. But worldly social and political optimism, divorced from spiritual connection, is an illusion. Without God, neither freedom and liberty, nor property and wealth, will lead to happiness.

    It is not necessary to be a part of an established religion to enjoy or benefit from the original teachings of Jesus. An increasing number of people in modern society identify as "unaffiliated" or "spiritual but not religious." These individuals may be influenced by an unwillingness to accept a religion which is inconsistent with science and facts. In reality, true religion cannot become involved in any controversy with science as it is in no way concerned with material things; facts never quarrel with real spiritual faith.

    The prospect of being a part of creating a transformed civilization as a result of applying the teachings of Jesus is a thrilling call to action to anyone who believes in him. Today, and with increasing urgency, the spiritual rebirth of Jesus’ invisible brotherhood of the kingdom of heaven stands as a clarion call that promises a new, worldwide, spiritual rejuvenation of humanity. A rediscovery of the real life and teachings of Jesus is on the horizon.

  • The Timeless Nature of Jesus’ Teachings

    People are searching for Jesus, but if one is not inclined to be a member or adherent of an established church, how can they find him? Jesus is linked so familiarly with Christianity that it may be hard to believe that Jesus was not a Christian himself. But he was not. Jesus did not establish a church, nor does Jesus require his followers to believe in doctrines that feel untrue to one’s heart, even if they are spoken in his name.

    Jesus came to dismantle institutionalized establishments that rule their congregations with crystallized doctrines and dire warnings. He himself was born and raised in such an established, traditional, rule-bound religion that left little room for a sincere seeker to establish independent personal relations with God. Personal relations with a benevolent, loving God – like that of an affectionate Father with his trusting child – are at the heart of his teachings, and Jesus spent his entire life trying to enlighten the rulers of Judaism. But they would not receive him, and many even accused him of being in league with devils. And still today, the man-made doctrines of many churches repel, rather than attract, sincere seekers.

    The religion of Jesus is probably the most relevant teachings that anyone can use to create a happy, productive, loving life. Jesus's religion – the religion that he himself practiced and taught – is very simple. It is based on the gospel of the kingdom of heaven and consists of two primary pillars: 1) that God is the spirit Father of every mortal, and 2) that since God is the spirit Father of every human being, we are all brothers and sisters in the spirit. This is the simple doctrine of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of mankind, the only gospel that Jesus ever taught.

    Jesus incarnated as a human being, but he never meant to glorify himself, only God the Father. He revealed the nature of God to mankind. He said more than once: "He who has seen me has seen the Father." When one studies his true life, one can easily see that Jesus was loving above all; he was tolerant, big-hearted, kind, and forgiving – even of his enemies. Knowing Jesus, we know what God is like.

    In his teachings, he showed us how to discover God in ourselves, by ourselves, and for ourselves, for he taught that God lives as an indwelling spirit in our minds and hearts, just as he did in Jesus’ heart. And his gospel teaches us to love God as a true Father who loves all of us individually. By extension, we learn to love and serve all other people as our brothers and sisters. This is a religion that is practical, relevant, and transformative. However, even positive change is not without its challenges:

    "Modern men and women of intelligence evade the religion of Jesus because of their fears of what it will do to them – and with them. And all such fears are well founded. The religion of Jesus does, indeed, dominate and transform its believers, demanding that men dedicate their lives to seeking for a knowledge of the will of the Father in heaven and requiring that the energies of living be consecrated to the unselfish service of the brotherhood of man."

    Will we accept the challenge? Do we dare to follow the religion of Jesus?

  • The Spirit of Truth – Jesus Lives in Our Midst

    When Jesus left this world, he promised that he would send a comforter in his place, saying: "But I will not leave you alone in the world. Very soon, after I have gone, I will send you a spirit helper. You shall have with you one who will take my place among you, one who will continue to teach you the way of truth, who will even comfort you. "

    The promised Spirit of Truth was bestowed on all humanity on the day of Pentecost and is present with us even today in the hearts of all those who love and seek the truth. This good spirit works with each of us to elevate our thinking – as it is our thoughts that eventually lead us to a knowledge of God as our Father. The Spirit of Truth is a directive spirit, working within the mind along with the indwelling spirit of the Father.

    About this spirit, Jesus said: "At first you believe that you are sons of God because my teaching has made you more conscious of the inner leadings of our Father's indwelling presence; but presently the Spirit of Truth shall be poured out upon all flesh, and it will live among men and teach all men, even as I now live among you and speak to you the words of truth. And this Spirit of Truth, speaking for the spiritual endowments of your souls, will help you to know that you are the sons of God. It will unfailingly bear witness with the Father's indwelling presence, telling you that you are in reality the sons of God."

    This is possibly the most relevant and useful part of Jesus’ legacy today: that we still enjoy his presence as a part of our minds and hearts. When we have a whole heart that really desires to know Jesus and his truth, we can more fully take advantage of this good spirit. Truth is a living reality, but it can only be comprehended by actually living and experiencing it. And it is best comprehended through relationships with others and through love and service. The Spirit of Truth interprets the truth for us, such as can be found in the Golden Rule, and directs the loving contact of his children in their day-to-day relations with each other.

    We can’t capture the truth like a beautiful butterfly pinned to the collector’s board, where it remains unchanged, untouched, but dead. The truth is revealed as a living and potent reality only as it passes through our personal experience: experience with God, and experience with others. The Spirit of Truth is the agent that facilitates and assists us as we seek for truth in our lives. It is truly Jesus working with us, right here, right now. What could be more relevant?

    "Jesus was the perfectly unified human personality. And today, as in Galilee, he continues to unify mortal experience and to coordinate human endeavors. He unifies life, ennobles character, and simplifies experience. He enters the human mind to elevate, transform, and transfigure it. It is literally true: ‘If any man has Christ Jesus within him, he is a new creature; old things are passing away; behold, all things are becoming new.’"

Suggested Reading from this Essay

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MaryJo Garascia, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 100:7.18 With Jesus, one becomes a new creature.
  • 140:8.29 The religion of Jesus is for everyone.
  • 146:3.6 The Spirit of Truth helps us to know we are children of God.
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