
Discover Jesus \ Group \Zebedee's Family

Zebedee's Family 

The Zebedee family significantly supported Jesus' ministry, providing a home, financial management, and logistical aid through their sons John and James as apostles and David's messenger service, making them integral to his mission.

Zebedee's Family
  • Summary

    The Zebedee family, deeply intertwined with Jesus' ministry, embraced him as a member, providing both familial and a logistical support system. Zebedee’s sons, James and John, were devoted apostles, while another son, David, established a critical messenger service and managed logistics for Jesus' travels and teachings. The family's commitment extended to financial support as well; they managed funds for Jesus, even purchasing property to support his family. Through their profound connection and support, the Zebedees not only facilitated Jesus' ministry but also provided a loving home and base for his operations.

  • Part of the Family

    Two of Zebedee’s sons, John and James, followed Jesus as apostles. They were both willing to give up their own lives for Jesus. Their other son, David, created a messenger service that proved invaluable to Jesus. David also helped to provide lodging, sometimes ordering, buying, and selling many tents. Their four daughters thought the world of Jesus. The family ‘adopted’ him as their brother and the parents treated Jesus like a son. No matter what, Jesus was always welcome in their home. The Zebedees were Jesus’ second family, and he loved them, and they loved him.

  • Friends and Business Partners

    Joseph, Jesus’ father, was a close friend of Zebedee. Joseph had equity in a piece of property in Capernaum with Zebedee. Andrew’s father was a partner of Zebedee in the fish-drying business, and Andrew and Simon Peter were fishermen and partners of James and John, the sons of Zebedee. Zebedee owned a boat shop just south of Capernaum.

    When James, Jesus’ brother, was able to take over as head of the family in Nazareth, Jesus left them in good hands. When Jesus, who had a reputation as an expert woodworker, visited Zebedee, he offered him a job in his boat-making business. Jesus worked in the shop for a little over a year and designed a vessel that was in demand. It was the number one choice of fisherman on the Lake of Galilee.

    Jesus lived frugally and saved most of his salary. He earned only small sums of money while working, which he sent to his family in Nazareth every month.

    In March, 22 CE, Jesus took leave of Zebedee and Capernaum. He requested John to continue sending money to his family until the funds he earned were exhausted. John promised Jesus to do so, and if the funds ran out, he would supply the same from his earnings.

    John consulted with his father on money due to Jesus, which was discovered to be a substantial sum. Jesus left the sum in their hands to use as they saw fit. John and his father agreed the best plan was to invest in property and use the income to help Jesus’ family in Nazareth. Zebedee knew of a little house for sale and had John buy it using the money due Jesus and held the title in trust for him. For two years, the rent was applied to the mortgage. This, plus a large sum Jesus had sent to John from his advance pay from an Indian entrepreneur, and money Zebedee threw in for his friend, enabled them to pay for the house when the remainder of the mortgage came due. Unbeknownst to Jesus, he now owned a two-room house in Capernaum with a clear title.

    When Jesus took leave of Zebedee’s family, he agreed to remain in Jerusalem until Passover time, and they all promised to be present for that event. When the time came, the Zebedees met Jesus in Jerusalem, and they all stopped at the spacious home of Annas, where they celebrated the Passover meal as a family.

    By chance, Jesus met a wealthy traveler from India, Gonod, who was looking for a translator and a teacher for his son, Ganid, on his business tour of the Mediterranean. After meeting Jesus’ concerns, Gonod agreed to pay Jesus one year of wages in advance. Jesus turned this money over to John Zebedee for safekeeping. Jesus confided in Zebedee where he was going and asked him not to tell anyone of his trip, and he never told anyone. Jesus was gone for close to two years.

    Jesus had asked John to continue to help Jesus’ family at Nazareth each month. Once the mortgage was paid on the house they bought for Jesus, John was able to use the rent income to give money and gifts to Jesus' mother, Mary, and sister, Ruth.

  • "Group - Zebedee's Family" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge"Group - Zebedee's Family" - by Midjourney and Gary Tonge
  • The Family

    The Zebedees lived in Bethsaida, a fishing town on the Sea of Galilee.Zebedee was the father and business owner who became a father-partner to Jesus. His first name is not known.

    Salome was the mother and was a relative of Annas, the high priest at Jerusalem and the most influential of the Sadducean group. When Jesus went to see Annas, he carried a letter from Salome introducing him as "one, the same as my own son." Later, in March of 30 CE, when Salome asked for high positions for her sons in his kingdom, to have one on the left side of Jesus and the other on the right, this took on a very different meaning when Jesus was crucified between a thief on one side and another transgressor on the other. She later fully understood the folly of her request.

    James Zebedee was an apostle of Jesus from day one, following the selection of Andrew and Simon Peter. He was killed when spreading the gospel.

    John Zebedee, who became an apostle at the same time as his brother James, followed Jesus into the jaws of death. John stayed with Jesus from his arrest to his crucifixion. Afterward, John continued to take care of Jesus’ mother until she passed.

    David Zebedee was the youngest son who took it upon himself to help Jesus with communications and arranging tents for Jesus and his followers to sleep in. Jesus’ family and the apostles were kept informed until the very end of the crucifixion via David’s Messenger Service. John Zebedee, who remained close to Jesus throughout, provided an hour-by-hour update to David’s messengers. David ended up marrying Jesus’ youngest sister, Ruth.

    Father Zebedee and Salome also had four daughters who saw Jesus as their older brother.

    Jesus lived in the Zebedee home while working as a master craftsman and designer in the shipbuilding shop. After supper, Jesus often held open discussions about any topic with the family and others. James, John, and David were fishermen, and Jesus often accompanied them. When James and John wanted to ask Jesus to be apostles, Jesus responded they were apostles all along; they were in the kingdom from the beginning.

    Zebedee and Salome eventually turned over their large house to Jesus and the apostles. They went to live with their son David. This became Jesus’ home base. Indeed, after Jesus ordained the twelve apostles and after their excursions and preaching tours, they would often return to the Zebedee house.

    The Zebedee family played a pivotal role in Jesus' ministry, offering both personal and logistical support, and their home became a central hub for his work and the early community of followers.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

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Gregg Tomusko, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 127:6.10 Joseph and Zebedee own property in Capernaum.
  • 129:1.2 Zebedee’s sons were fishermen.
  • 129:1.3 Jesus works for Zebedee.
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