Discover Jesus \ Topic \Jesus Christ – Our Creator Son

Jesus Christ – Our Creator Son 

Jesus, or Christ Michael, is a Creator Son who incarnated on Earth, fulfilling his mission of revealing the Father and voluntarily sacrificing his life. Our planet holds significance as the home world where Jesus lived and became the sovereign of his universe.

Jesus Christ – Our Creator Son
  • Summary

    Jesus Christ is a name that is commonly used to describe the person known as Jesus of Nazareth. However, this name is used primarily by Christians in connection with the Christian gospel. It is based on the fact of God as the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ in association with the experience of believers in fellowship with the risen and glorified Christ. The title "Christ" is derived from the Greek "Christos," which means the anointed one.

    In this article, the terms "Jesus of Nazareth" and "Creator Son" will be used interchangeably with the term "Jesus Christ." The term "Christ Michael" will also be used to designate the person who we know as Jesus of Nazareth. In God’s universe government, there is a classification of beings known as the "order of Michael." "Michael" is a title used by the universe government to designate the Creator Sons of God. There are many beings on the order of Michael in God’s grand universe of many universes, but Christ Michael of Nebadon (the name of our local universe) is our "only begotten Son."

    "Michael" derives from the Latin ‘"micare," to shine or glitter. But the name Michael literally means "who is like God" in Hebrew. So, Christ Michael, as Jesus is often referred to in The Urantia Book, translates to: "the anointed one who is like God."

    Christ Michael is a Creator Son of God who is responsible for the design and creation of the universe of Nebadon, the home of our world. He is a Son of God who bestowed himself upon the human race over 2,000 years ago and became known as Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, and Son of Man. The name of Jesus of Nazareth now joins these noble titles that represent the Creator Son, maker of this universe, whose mission to this world of his making changed the course of human history.

    Christ Michael incarnated on our world as a helpless baby, born to Mary and Joseph, a normal married couple with an extraordinary task. He was raised much as any average child of his time and he gradually grew in knowledge of his true identity. By the time of his baptism in the Jordan River, he was fully aware of who he was, where he had come from, and the nature of his mission to this world of his making. He carried out his mission of revealing the Father to us through the life he lived and the religion that he practiced. And in the end, he voluntarily gave up his life, bringing his mission to completion.

    Our small planet at the edge of the universe is of great interest in the broader inhabited universe because it was the home world upon which Christ Michael chose to incarnate and live his life as Jesus of Nazareth. It was here that Jesus – as both God and man – earned the right to be called Sovereign of the universe of Nebadon.

  • Our Creator Son – Unique and "Only Begotten"

    On our world, there is some confusion about the true identity of Jesus in relation to God the Father. Many think of Jesus as the Eternal Son, second person of the Trinity. Christ Michael is actually a personality who originates from the Eternal Son, in union with the Universal Father.

    Creator Sons flash into being as full-fledged personalities of power and perfection. Each Creator Son is unique and possesses particular elements of the divine natures of both the Father and the Original Son, making each of them the only begotten, or only begettable Son of such a mysterious union. And so, when we learn that Jesus is God’s "only begotten Son," this is literally true; no other Son will ever have the same qualities or nature. And no other Son of God has ever, or will ever, do for us what Jesus has done. His bestowal is unique to our universe and has been sweeping in its repercussions for over 2,000 years.

    Creator Sons create; they design and create universes. Our world is part of the local universe of Nebadon. A local universe is one of many such universes that define a certain geographical area in the vastness of God’s cosmos. Nebadon is the creation of our Creator Son, Christ Michael, now Universe Sovereign. As concerns a local universe, God has made our Sovereign Creator Son just as perfect, qualified, capable, and commanding in authority as the Eternal Son is in the central universe, located at the center of all things. The Trinity beings reside at the center of the universe, but our Creator Son’s domain is in the local universe of Nebadon.

    There are many universes in God’s vast universe of universes, but Nebadon is the one that we originate from and is our home universe.

  • "Jesus at the sea of galilee" - by and Gary Tonge"Jesus at the sea of galilee" - by and Gary Tonge
  • Christ Michael, our Creator Son, Chose our World

    Earth is located on the outskirts of Nebadon, very far from the personal presence of God. One way that God is able to draw near to us, his spirit children, is through the ministry of his Creator Son who embarked on his mission of mercy to our world that has been troubled by rebellion and sin. Our Creator Son is the direct representative of the Universal Father, a representative who could be made visible to humankind. And Jesus told us this when he said, "He who has seen me has seen the Father." All of the personal traits of the Father can be understood by observing how they were demonstrated in the life of Christ Michael. All of the goodness, truth, and beauty of the Father is evident in the Son.

    The incarnation of a Creator Son on a world like ours is a great honor. Jesus chose this world out of all the worlds he could have chosen to reveal the Father specifically because our world provided such a striking contrast to the goodness and beauty of God; the love, mercy, and patience of the heavenly Father.

  • The Life of Christ Michael

    When incarnating as a mortal of an inhabited world, a Creator Son is born of a woman and grows up as a male child, just as Jesus did. The Creator Son becomes, in every respect, like all other mortals with one exception: these Sons do not leave offspring on the planet of their bestowal. But the fact of their incarnation opens the door for the Universal Father to indwell the minds of all human beings. This occurs when the Creator Son departs, leaving the Spirit of Truth in his place. The world is thus prepared for the universal coming of the spirit of the Father.

    While incarnated as a mortal, Creator Sons work and live among their fellow mortals. Jesus of Nazareth worked as a carpenter and a fisherman while he was learning how life is lived on this world. And when such a divine Son experiences natural death, he always reappears on the third day, as Jesus did.

    Danger is always a risk when these Sons incarnate on an evolving world. It is a risk that our Creator Son assumed and accepted. But not all Creator Sons experience the tragic and brutal kind of death suffered by Jesus. His particularly horrible experience has caused our world to become known in the universe as "the World of the Cross." All Creator Sons must pass through the experience of death, but there is no requirement that it be violent, or even unusual. They do give up their life, just as any mortal, but their death is never connected to any kind of "divine wrath." The decision to "drink the cup" is simply the decision to complete the bestowal mission.

    Creator Sons undergo bestowal missions seven different times; one bestowal for each kind of creature that exists in the universe. In other words, before Christ Michael incarnated on earth, he had bestowed himself six times in six different forms of beings. His incarnation here was his seventh and final bestowal, so when he said on the cross "It is finished," this was literally true. Jesus of Nazareth is now the supreme sovereign of the universe of Nebadon. "All power in heaven and on earth" was earned by this now triumphant and enthroned Creator Son.

    And when we understand more about our Creator Son – Jesus of Nazareth, Christ Michael, Son of God, and Son of Man – we can more fully understand why our dark, backward little world is of such great interest to the celestials. On this world, the final and triumphant bestowal of our Creator Son took place and elevated him to personal sovereignty over the universe of his making. His bestowal over 2,000 years ago changed the course of human history and still has profound repercussions. Our future holds the promise of a worldwide return to the original teachings of Jesus and the adoption of the simple gospel of the kingdom of heaven: the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all mankind.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

Related People

  • Jesus

    Son of God, Son of Man. Creator Son of the Universe.


MaryJo Garascia, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 0:5.3 God and man in a unified personality.
  • 1:5.5 When we see a Creator Son, we see the Father.
  • 3:6.7 Personal traits of the Father visible in the life of the Creator Son.
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