
Jesus taught that Paradise is the eternal destination for those aligned with God's will, beginning with spiritual transformation on earth. It is the divine center of reality, where beings grow progressively closer to God, culminating in eternal service.

  • Summary

    Jesus often taught that Paradise, or heaven, is the eternal destination for those who align with God's will. He described Paradise not just as a distant place but as the spiritual center of reality, the home of the Universal Father, and the ultimate aspiration for all beings. Jesus emphasized that the journey to Paradise begins with inner spiritual transformation here on earth and continues through progressive spiritual growth in the afterlife. He highlighted the "many mansions" as part of this journey, leading toward increasing spiritual awareness and closeness to God.

    Paradise is the eternal and literal center of all creation, outside time and space, where God the Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit reside. It is the source of all energy, life, and spirit, a place of indescribable beauty and perfection. While finite beings strive to reach Paradise through spiritual ascension, it is the ultimate destination where they encounter God directly and participate in his eternal purposes.

    The journey to Paradise is a progressive path of spiritual growth, beginning in the material worlds, moving through transitional spheres like the mansion worlds, and culminating in Paradise. Throughout this journey, our indwelling spirit guides us toward union with God. Eternal life, as Jesus taught, is not just an endless existence but a dynamic relationship with the Father, filled with ongoing discovery, service, and personal growth. Those who reach Paradise continue their divine work, helping administer God's plans throughout the universe.

  • Jesus's Teachings on Paradise

    Throughout his life and ministry, Jesus consistently referred to the ultimate reality of Paradise as the eternal destination for those who seek to follow the will of God. In his teachings, Jesus emphasized that Paradise is not simply a distant, physical place but a spiritual reality and the dwelling place of the Universal Father. One of Jesus’s most profound messages was that human beings are not just material creatures but spiritual beings who can align themselves with God’s eternal purpose. Paradise, or heaven, represents the highest spiritual aspiration – the eternal home of perfected beings and the divine seat of God.

    Jesus often described Paradise in terms of relationship rather than geography. When speaking of the Father, Jesus clarified that Paradise is where God’s will is perfectly manifested, and it is the final goal of the ascending career of all created beings. Jesus taught that the journey to Paradise is not just a distant future event but something that begins in the soul’s transformation here on earth. He encouraged his followers to seek the kingdom of God within, aligning their inner selves with the divine will, as this inner spiritual alignment is the first step on the eternal journey toward Paradise.

    Jesus also clarified that the road to Paradise is one of progressive spiritual growth. He assured his followers that the Father’s house contains "many mansions," a literal description of the mansion worlds that are the first stop in our ascension career, and a general description of the many stages of advancement on the way to Paradise. He described the journey as one of increasing awareness, wisdom, and spiritual beauty, where individuals grow closer to God through their experiences and the faithful exercise of their will to do God’s will.

  • The Central Isle of Paradise

    Paradise is the literal and eternal center of all creation. It is the geographic, spiritual, and administrative nucleus of the entire universe of universes. Paradise exists outside of time and space, being the eternal dwelling place of the Paradise Trinity – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. All finite creation revolves around this central Isle, which is the eternal source of all energy, life, and spirit.

    An absolute reality composed of neither matter nor spirit but something beyond both, Paradise is unique. It is a place of indescribable beauty and perfection, where the presence of God is direct and unmistakable. While spiritual beings strive to eventually reach Paradise, the journey there is only undertaken by those who have ascended through the stages of progressive spiritual development, ultimately achieving perfection.

    The structure of Paradise itself is beyond full comprehension for any finite mind. It is infinite, eternal, and serves as the ultimate destination for all ascendant beings. However, Paradise is not an end in itself; rather, it is the place where beings are finally able to see God as he is, to stand in his direct presence, and to take part in his eternal purposes. The beings who reach Paradise are called finaliters, and they serve in ways that further the divine plans for all creation.

  • The Journey to Paradise

    Jesus encouraged his followers to strive for perfection, as the Father in Paradise is perfect. For mortals, this eternal journey to Paradise begins on material worlds with the birth and nurture of the immortal soul and progresses through a series of ascension experiences across the universe. Mortal beings, after their life on a material world, awaken on the mansion worlds – transitional spheres that prepare the soul for further spiritual development.

    As we progress, we move through various stages of universe life, gaining wisdom, experience, and spiritual insight. At each stage, we are given increasing responsibility and are exposed to greater levels of divine truth. The morontia life, which begins after death, is a critical phase in this process, as it bridges the material and spiritual realities. Here, we continue our education, learning to understand and work within the greater cosmic order under the guidance of celestial beings.

    Eventually, we will reach the headquarters of the local universe, then move on to subsequent destinations, and ultimately be prepared for the long journey toward Paradise. Throughout this journey, the indwelling spirit of God, known as the Thought Adjuster, works tirelessly to guide us toward eternal union with God. This fusion with the Thought Adjuster signifies the highest personal achievement in the mortal career, as it marks the point at which the human and divine natures are fully united.

    Our journey to Paradise is both an individual and communal experience. Ascendant beings travel with others from countless worlds, forming relationships and learning from beings of different origins, experiences, and natures. These experiences deepen our understanding of the universality of God’s family and the interconnectedness of all creation. The journey is one of profound joy and discovery.

  • Paradise and Eternal Life

    One of the most significant teachings of Jesus was the promise of eternal life, a concept intimately tied to the journey to Paradise. For Jesus, eternal life was not simply an unending existence but a dynamic and ever-expanding relationship with the Father. He taught that those who seek the will of God and align themselves with divine truth would continue to grow, learn, and experience.

    Eternal life is the gift given to all beings who choose to follow the path of spiritual progression. It is the ongoing adventure of discovering deeper levels of truth, beauty, and goodness as one approaches the perfection of Paradise. It is not static but filled with new opportunities for service, exploration, and personal growth.

    In Paradise, those who have ascended to reach it will enjoy direct communion with God, but their journey does not end there. As finaliters, we will be assigned new tasks in the universe, helping to administer God’s plans throughout the realms of creation. Our work in service to the universe will bring endless satisfaction as we continue to align ourselves with the divine will.

    Jesus assured his followers that we are not alone in our spiritual journey. He reminded us that the Father is always with us, guiding us toward Paradise through the presence of the indwelling spirit within. The promise of Paradise and eternal life is the ultimate assurance that God’s love and plan for each person is real. All of us, no matter how humble, have a place in the divine scheme of things. This message of hope and purpose resonates throughout Jesus’s teachings and remains central to the spiritual path of all who seek to follow God’s will.

Suggested Reading from this Essay


MaryJo Garascia, Mike Robinson, Gary Tonge

References and Sources

  • 11:0.1 Paradise is the source of all spiritual, physical, and mind energy.
  • 12:7.9 Paradise is beyond time and space, yet the pattern for all creation.
  • 15:0.1 Paradise is the eternal center of the universe and creation.
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