Discover Jesus \ Person \Elijah Mark

Elijah Mark 

Elijah Mark, along with his wife Mary and son John, were dear friends of Jesus and his apostles. Their home was significant for the Last Supper and Pentecost events.

Elijah Mark
  • Summary

    Elijah Mark and his wife, Mary, and son, John, were close friends of Jesus and the apostles, and they were always welcomed into his home. This is the place where the Last Supper occurred, and where the apostles were hiding when they received the Spirit of Truth on Pentecost.

    Jesus complimented Elijah on his role as a father, and loved to spend time with him and his family.

  • Friend and Benefactor

    Elijah Mark opened his home to welcome Jesus throughout his ministry. Elijah remained a staunch supporter of Jesus and his followers even in the times of great trouble and disappointment. He risked all, especially after the Pharisees killed Jesus and tried to suppress his teachings. By sharing his house, Elijah provided a haven for Jesus’ followers to gather.In the Mark family’s large and commodious upper room, the Last Supper was completely furnished, and food laid out. It was here that the apostles hid after the crucifixion. Through barred doors, the resurrected Jesus appeared to the apostles in the same upper room. And it was at the Mark home that many were gathered at Pentecost.What if Elijah did not help? No food for the Last Supper. No Last Supper? Nowhere to hide from enemies. No safe place to corroborate and gather. Luckily, Elijah proved to be a true friend.

  • Model Father

    Elijah Mark and his wife Mary were recognized by Jesus as wise and exemplary parents. Jesus told John that his upbringing in a loving and wise home laid a foundation for his loyalty to the gospel of the kingdom. His parents' affection did not lead to an inflated sense of self-importance, and their wisdom led them to balance love with responsible training. This included allowing John, as a young lad, to follow Jesus and become a helper to the apostolic group.

    Indeed, very few modern homes are such good places in which to nurture boys and girls as was Jesus’ home in Galilee and John Mark’s home in Judea.

    Later, Elijah’s son, John Mark, authored the Gospel of Mark.

  • Death of Elijah

    Amid the joy of just being with the resurrected Jesus in his fifteenth appearance in Bethsaida just a few hours before, John Mark returned home his father suddenly died from a hemorrhage in the brain on May 3, 30 CE. There was much sadness when Elijah died. The apostles were deeply grieved. They truly mourned the loss of their good friend. Unfortunately, they were unable to attend the funeral of Elijah Mark for fear of being apprehended.

Suggested Reading from this Essay

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  • John Mark

    Young helper to the apostles during Jesus’ life.

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References and Sources

  • 121:8.3 The Gospel by Mark.
  • 177:2.1-2 The rearing of John Mark.
  • 177:2.6 Elijah and Mary are said to be model parents.
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