
Milcha, a cousin of Apostle Thomas and original member of the women's corps, was chosen by Jesus among ten women from Bethsaida's kingdom hospital to preach the gospel and minister to the sick.

  • Summary

    Milcha was one of the original members of the women’s corps and a cousin of the Apostle Thomas. Jesus personally chose ten women who had served in the kingdom’s first hospital in Bethsaida and invited them to join his Third Preaching Tour. Jesus formally commissioned his apostles, the seventy disciples, and the women’s corps, giving them the authority to preach the gospel of the kingdom.

  • The Women’s Corps Minister to Many

    The women’s corps were on equal terms with the seventy disciples. These women preached the gospel, ministered to the sick, and were able to bring good news to the many downtrodden and compromised women that male disciples were socially unable to approach. The women remained close to Jesus and witnessed many events including seeing the resurrected Jesus.

    Milcha, a cousin of the Apostle Thomas, was among the initial members of the women's corps. The original ten quickly added two more, Mary Magdalene and Rebecca. As they continued to preach, the women’s corps grew to sixty-two. On the tour of Perea, they took over most of the work of the ministry to the sick. This effort was largely handled by the disciples and the women. Jesus was able to see others assume the work of the kingdom.

    In a society where the rabbis taught that it was better to burn the law than let the women read it, Jesus entrusted women to teach the gospel of the kingdom and to minister to the sick. This liberation of women and recognition of their worth was practiced by the apostles immediately following the Master's departure; however, subsequent generations reverted to the previous practices.

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References and Sources

  • 150:1.1 Milcha was chosen for the women’s corps.
  • 150:2.2 Women’s corps add two more, making twelve.
  • 165:0.2 Women corps number sixty-two for the Perean Tour.
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