
Nabon, a leader of Rome's Mithraic cult, was profoundly impacted by discussions with Jesus, known as "the scribe from Damascus." Their talks, focusing on the transcendent nature of truth and faith, prepared Nabon to become an early supporter of Jesus' gospel.

  • Summary

    Nabon was a high priest of Mithraism, the chief mystery cult in Rome. Jesus met with Nabon several times to discuss religion when he was visiting Rome as part of his tour of the Mediterranean world. Jesus’ discourse that most impacted Nabon centered on the topic of Truth and Faith. Every word that Jesus spoke continued to burn in Nabon’s heart and uplift his mind. Later, when the followers of Jesus arrived in Rome to spread the gospel after his death and Nabon again heard words that resonated within, he helped spread Christianity by welcoming the missionaries of Jesus’ gospel.

  • Teaching the Teachers

    During their tour of the Mediterranean world, Gonod, his son Ganid, and Jesus arrived in Rome and stayed there for six months. Gonod had much business to conduct and viewed this as the perfect opportunity to introduce Ganid to someday take over his enterprises. There were many citizens of India in Rome, and often one of Gonod’s employees served as an interpreter, leaving Jesus free to explore this large and ethnically diverse metropolis. Being able to meet so many different people was the attraction for Jesus to take a job with this Indian entrepreneur having interests throughout the world.

    During his stay in Rome, Jesus engaged profoundly with the city's religious leaders, significantly influencing figures within the Cynic, Stoic, and mystery cult communities, notably the Mithraic. Foreseeing the eventual spread of his message to Rome, regardless of its reception among the Jews, he meticulously prepared for the arrival of his messengers by fostering relationships with key religious figures. Through intimate discussions, Jesus focused on highlighting and expanding upon the truths within their existing beliefs without directly confronting or criticizing their errors. This approach not only facilitated a deeper understanding and appreciation of his teachings among these leaders but also strategically laid the groundwork for the acceptance and dissemination of Christianity within Rome after his death.

  • Nabon – A High Priest of Mithraism

    Nabon, a Greek Jew, was a prominent leader of the primary mystery cult in Rome, known as the Mithraic cult. During numerous meetings with Jesus, traveling under the pseudonym, "the scribe from Damascus," the high priest of Mithraism was significantly impacted by their conversation about truth and faith one particular evening. Nabon had intended to convert Jesus and proposed that he go back to Palestine as a Mithraic teacher. He was unaware that Jesus was preparing him to be one of the first followers of the gospel of the kingdom.

    Jesus taught Nabon that truth transcends mere knowledge, originating in spiritual living and combining with wisdom and human experience to embrace realities beyond the material. He emphasized that true faith, essential for grasping truth, involves profound reflection and the courage to explore beyond familiar beliefs, acting as a catalyst for the soul's journey towards finding and embodying God, thereby ensuring eternal progression and divine union.

    Nabon was deeply impressed by these words, just as he was by every conversation he had with Jesus. These truths remained deeply ingrained in his heart, and he provided significant help to the subsequent preachers of Jesus' gospel.

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References and Sources

  • 132:0.2 Jesus spends time in Rome.
  • 132:0.4 Contacts with the leaders of the religions of Rome.
  • 132:0.5 Leaders of other religions welcome Christian missionaries.
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