Discover Jesus \Releases


Below is a list of the releases of the Discover Jesus website. We will be updating this list as new versions are released.




  • 1.5.0

    Aug 19, 2024

    • New: A complete rewrite of the site to make it faster.
  • 1.4.1

    June 16, 2024

    • New: Event essay pages now include the date (or range of dates) that the event took place on. These are shown immediately below the title of the essay for easy reference.
    • Updated: Modified the Related Places section on Event essays to show the location and if applicable the place within that Location where the event took place. If the Event comprised of many locations, they are all listed. The locations which have not been published are listed as well.
    • Various minor fixes and improvements
  • 1.4.0

    May 29, 2024

    • Updated: Modified previews (popups) for a more fluid user experience
    • Various minor fixes and improvements
  • 1.3.9

    May 18, 2024

    • New: Added previews (as popups) when you hover over a link in an essay. Click anywhere on the popup to proceed to the essay that is summarized there. Move away with the mouse to close it
    • New: Added Suggested Reading toolbar just below the body of all essays. These are randomly sourced from related sidebar essays and links within the essays
    • Various minor fixes and improvements
  • 1.3.8

    April 30, 2024

    • New: What's New Banner on Home Page. Shows up whenever there are new essays
    • New: What's New Listing Page
    • Various minor fixes and improvements
  • 1.3.7

    April 25, 2024

    • New: Added subtitle to Person essays where possible ambiguity exists. e.g. Mary (Magdelene vs mother of Jesus) etc.
    • New: Added jump to beginning and end button to Events Nav bar. Also increased the number of years moved via single chevron clicks from 1 to approximately 4 years (depending on screen width).
    • Changed: Hero image on Home page has eturned to full size
    • Various minor fixes and improvements
  • 1.3.6

    April 19, 2024

    • Change: Subscribing to Newsletter now requires confirmation email to be accepted
    • New: Subscribing to email can happen now inside the footer
    • Change: Urantia Book, USOJ, Bible references are now sorted appropriately and top-aligned (shows when the text wraps to another row)
    • Various minor fixes and improvements
  • 1.3.5

    April 8, 2024

    • Various minor fixes and improvements
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